
Welcome to Italy

The richest artistic heritage in the world, the warmth of the Mediterranean, breath-taking landscapes, extraordinary variety of flavours and great events: live an unforgettable holiday.

Italy has been, since antiquity, the centre of history, culture and art. Our museums, collections and archaeological sites reveal countless tokens of the past and the many civilizations that have passed across this country, evidence of which is still inextricably woven into the present day landscape.

Artistic wonders can be found everywhere, and every corner of the country holds countless and wonderful surprises. Our artistic and cultural heritage is one of the most valuable in the world. Italy has more cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites than any other country. The Italian art cities are some of the most visited destinations in international cultural tourism.

Italy offers a rich combination of masterpieces from different areas, blending landscape and culture, history and art, architecture and city planning – it offers an exciting journey through time, from the Ancient Greeks and Romans to the present day, which is also filled by a wealth of art and culture. Italy is a country rich in cultural and landscape heritage, a heritage that is complemented with an extraordinary variety of intangible elements. From north to south, the cultural heritage is the legacy of the different civilizations that have inhabited these territories for over more than two thousand years. Travelling through Italy one can visit monuments, archaeological sites, and cultural landscapes, historical centres rich in works of art housed in national and territorial museums; and even experience rituals and festivals, ancient oral expressions, social practices, including traditional crafts. It is thanks to a long and recognized activity in the field of protection and conservation, which has concerned both the development of philosophical thought and the establishment of research centres of excellence that this heritage has been able to be preserved.

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